What is Rapid Rehousing?

Rapid Rehousing is a new program by the Coalition that is in direct connection with Eviction Prevention and Landlord Engagement. Rapid Rehousing seeks to utilize the resources and relationships cultivated through landlord engagement to seek out housing for those who are struggling to maintain stability.

Rapid Rehousing staff work directly with Landlords to identify available affordable housing options that may not have been available to the client directly. Once a lease is signed, the Rapid Rehousing budget allows for purchase of many needed household necessities like tables, chairs, couches, beds and more to give our clients the best start toward stability possible.

Rapid Rehouisng

Anita Jenkins
Rapid Rehousing Case Manager

Seeking help? Clients can call 812-202-6589 and select Rapid Rehousing.

With the help of the Rapid Rehousing Program, Kristy and her daughter were able to escape instability and acquire a lease for a newly renovated apartment close to home. The Coalition helped furnish the apartment with furniture and other necessities.